Saturday, March 21, 2009


Freeware Fest

We get a chance to get free softwares!Various Linux-kernel based operating systems and application softwares.One could also participate in games and quiz.

Games Stalls

Stall 1-Kick It, Like Bechkam

Here one has to do a goal but...the goal is a small two wheeler's tyre.

Stall 2-Apple Pendulum

A participant is given a pendulum of apple,which on swinging ,he/she has to move an object across a line.

Stall 3-Play It Hard

You have to balance a lemon on spoon,along with playing basketball.


Stall 4-Lighting The Candles

The person who lights up maximum number of candles with a single matchstick,wins.

Stall 5-Coin from the Soil

As the name suggests one has to find out a coin hidden in sand with a spoon.

Stall 6-Memory Test

Your memory pays!The person with the highest memory points win

Stall 7-Puzzles

Bend your brains and solve the puzzles!

For foodies!

A whole load of ice creams,juices,chocalates is present.Our menu card includes fried rice,chicken etc.......

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